Nevada School Bus Replacement Program


Website of Harry Reid

Reid Brings Environmental Cleanup Money to Nevada: Funding will help efforts throughout the state
April 9, 2009
Washington, D.C. – Nevada Senator Harry Reid today announced $3 million in economic recovery funding from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for green efforts in the state. Nevada will receive $1.73 million for clean diesel programs. The funding can be used to support clean diesel projects and loan programs to address the nation’s existing fleet of over 11 million diesel engines. Another $1.26 million is allocated to the state to assess and clean up petroleum leaks from underground storage tanks. The greatest potential hazard from a leaking underground storage tank is that the petroleum or other hazardous substances seep into the soil and contaminate groundwater, which is the source of drinking water for nearly half of all Americans. “We must always remain vigilant in protecting Nevada’s environment, not just to maintain its beauty but to ensure the safety of our air and water,” Reid said. “With this money, Nevada can finish projects to protect our groundwater and to reduce harmful pollution from older, dirty diesel engines.”

Nevada Appeal

Diesel stimulus money awarded
April 9, 2009
Nevada Appeal Capitol Bureau The federal government has awarded $1.73 million to Nevada’s Division of Environmental Protection to fund clean diesel projects. Action EPA Region 9 administrator Laura Yoshii said the money will bolster the state’s economy by creating new, green jobs and by improving the state’s air quality. The money is part of the stimulus package and will be awarded as grants to replace the oldest and least efficient diesel buses operated by Nevada school districts. She said this grant is noncompetitive and will be awarded to all states.