San Diego-Tijuana Diesel Emissions Reduction Project


SignOn San Diego

SignOnSanDiego (San Diego, CA)
March 23, 2006
Emissions Program Shifts to High Gear: County Installing Smog-Cutting Devices on Mexican Big Rigs
One truck at a time, San Diego County air pollution officials are trying to cut the smog-forming particles spewed by old Mexican big rigs that cross the international border. By installing pollution-control devices on these vehicles at no cost to the owners, the pilot program promises to reduce each truck's output of toxic air contaminants by up to 50 percent.

North County TimesNorth County Times (San Diego CA)
Wednesday, September 29, 2004
Air Pollution District Gets $150K Grant
The San Diego County Air Pollution Control District was awarded a $150,000 grant Wednesday by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to participate in the start of a diesel emissions reduction program. The money will enable officials to investigate the costs and effectiveness of diesel retrofit technologies on heavy-duty vehicles that operate in the San Diego and Tijuana region. The goal of the program is to reduce diesel emissions from trucks, ships, locomotives and other sources along the West Coast from Mexico to Alaska, and to accomplish the goal faster than is federally mandated.